Monday, November 7, 2011

Sweat, glamour and light sins By Alex Cantòn Dutari

This is one of those books I approach with a slight anxiousness, because it doens’t belong to any of the genres I usually read… actually, it is a genre I do not like very much… and I was afraid that might throw a shade on my evaluation of the story.
And I was pleasantly surprised.
The story started just as I expected, with a light tone, light situations… in a few words, it seemed to be nothing more than a way to spend a few pleasant hours reading.
As I went on, however, as I got to know Rhonda, Issi, Jack and all the other characters much better, I gradually became aware of the true value and potential of the book, and of the talent Alex Cantòn has as a writer.
For in this 49 pages there are more different layers and there is more depth than I have found in many more ponderous tomes.
What fashinated me… so gradually it took me a little while to become aware of what was happening… was not only the way Alex delved into the personal history and problems of each character, but also the way he explored the human mind using those characters as models through which to exemplify different situations and the way they overcame their difficulties.
From Issi’s (apparently) silly problem of getting rid of an embarassing name, to Jack’s more serious problem of getting involved into something that might mar his reputation and Marcos way of carving a place in life for himself, the reader travels through a microcosm that in a very subtle way prompts some inner evaluation and bring his/her own problems into perspective.
While somewhat original, the style in which the book is written is brilliant too, and perfectly complements the development of the plot.

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